

Carnelian is the perfect addition to any jewelry making project. Our Carnelian strands have been hand selected to give your jewelry the best look and feel. This deep orange-red gemstone is known for its natural beauty, and our selection of Carnelian strands give you top quality material for your creative designs. The rich color and distinct patterns make each strand unique, adding character to every design. Each purchase comes with an entire strand of Carnelian, giving you plenty of material for multiple projects. Our Carnelian is sure to add a beautiful touch and energy to your jewelry creations. Its distinct color, texture, and pattern variations makes this stone the perfect choice for achieving a fun and passionate look.

Carnelian is a chalcedony colored by impurities of iron oxide. The color has a wide range between orange to an intense almost black coloration. Carnelians are commonly found in Brazil, India, Siberia and Germany. 

Fun Fact! Napoleon wore a lucky watch charm made out of carnelian gemstones.